Privacy Policy
Identity: PUNT ROMA, SL
CIF (Spanish corporate tax ID): B61481198
Postal address: C/ Overlocaire, 24-28 (P.I. de les Hortes) Mataró (08302) BARCELONA
PUNT ROMA, SL, as the party in charge of the website, in accordance with the terms of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) on the protection of individuals with regard to personal data processing and the free circulation of these data and other regulations in force on personal data protection, and the Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce Act 34/2002 of 11 July (LSSICE), you are herein notified that the necessary technical and organisational security measures have been implemented to guarantee and protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data entered.
PUNT ROMA, SL | B61481198 | Gestión de clientes, medios, contactos. |
PUNT ROMA PORTUGAL UNIPESSOAL, Lda. | 508416930 | Gestión de clientes, medios, contactos |
PUNT ROMA FRANCE, SAS | 807489414 | Gestión de clientes, medios, contactos |
VICTRIX ISLAS, SL | B38713475 | Gestión de clientes, medios, contactos |
GILBERT SL | L705271T | Gestión de clientes, medios, contactos |
Your personal data shall only be used for these purposes:
- To conduct the commercial and administrative processes necessary with users of the website.
- To send advertising commercial communications by email, fax, SMS, MMS, social media or any other electronic or physical resource, if the User has expressly agreed to the sending of commercial communications electronically via signing up for the NEWSLETTER.
- To answer queries and/or provide information requested by the User.
- To provide the services and/or products contracted or signed up for by the User.
- To use his or her data to contact him or her, both electronically and not electronically to obtain opinions on the service provided, and to notify the User of important changes or developments to the privacy policy, legal notice or cookies policy.
- Analyses will be conducted on profiles and usability.
- The data of customers and/or providers will be handled within the contractual relation that binds them to the party responsible for processing, in compliance with the administrative, fiscal, accounting and labour obligations that are necessary in virtue of current legislation in force.
The User can revoke his or her consent at any time by sending an email with the subject ‘Remove’ to [email protected].
Pursuant to the LSSICE, PUNT ROMA, SL does not send out SPAM, meaning that it does not send commercial emails that have not previously been requested or authorised by the User. Consequently, all communications that the User will receive from PUNT ROMA, SL contain the possibility of cancelling his or her express consent to receive such communications.
We shall not process your personal data for any other purpose than those described above, except due to legal obligation or legal requirement.
Your data shall be kept while the commercial relation lasts with us, or you exercise your right to cancel or oppose, or limit processing. However, we shall keep certain identifying personal data and on traffic for a maximum period of two years in case they should be required by judges and tribunals or to initiate internal actions stemming from the improper use of the website.
They shall not be the object of decisions based on automated processing that cause any effect to your data.
The legal grounds for processing the data is the consent you provided to execute the purposes described above, which shall be requested at the time of ticking the pertinent box when collecting your data.
Not providing the personal data requested or not accepting the present data protection policy entails the impossibility of signing up for, registering or receiving information on the provider's products and services.
If there is a previous contractual relation between the parties, legitimisation for implementing the administrative, tax, accounting and labour obligations required in virtue of current legislation in force will be the previous existing of the commercial relations established between the parties.
Any communication sent shall be added to the information systems of PUNT ROMA, SL. By accepting the present terms, conditions and policies, the User expressly consents to PUNT ROMA, SL conducting these activities and/or actions, except when the User indicates otherwise:
- The mailing of commercial and/or promotional communications by any means enabled, notifying Users of the activities, services, promotions, advertising, news, offers and other information on the products and services related to the activity.
- If the User has expressly consented to the mailing of commercial communications electronically by signing up for the NEWSLETTER, the sending of these communications electronically notifying Users of the activities, services, promotions, advertising, news, offers and other information on the products and services of PUNT ROMA, SL that are the same or similar to those that were the initial purpose of procurement or interest to the User.
- The storage of these data during the periods set out in applicable provisions
The User is notified that the means enabled by the company to communicate with customers and others affected parties are land lines and corporate mobiles and corporate email.
If you submit personal information via a means of communication different than those detailed in this section, the company shall be waived from responsibility with regard to the safety measures of the means in question.
PUNT ROMA, SL shall not assign or communicate data either within or outside of the EU. The provider shall solely provide information to the security forces by legal order or the obligation set out in a legal regulation, without prejudice to the fact that your account could be blocked or cancelled if there are signs of the User committing some type of crime or offense. The information provided shall only be what the provider has at the time in question.
The information that you provide both via this website and via the app shall be housed on the servers of PUNT ROMA, SL.
As a User-interested party, you may ask to exercise these rights for PUNT ROMA, SL, by sending a letter to the postal address in the header or by sending an email to [email protected], entering the subject: ‘LOPD, ARCO rights’, as set out by the law.
- Right to access: lets the interested party know of and obtain information on his or her personal data being processed.
- Right to rectify or supress: lets the interested party correct errors or modify the data that are inexact or incomplete.
- Right to cancel: lets the interested party delete the data that are unsuitable or excessive
- Right to oppose: the interested party’s right to not have his or her personal data processed or assigned.
- Processing limitation: entails the marking of the personal data kept, with the aim of limiting their future processing.
- Data portability: providing the interested party with his or her data being processed, so that he or she can send them to another party responsible for processing, with no impediments.
- Right to not be the object of individual automated decisions (includes the creation of profiles): right to not be subjected to a decision based on automated processing that causes and impact or has significant effects.
As a User, you have the right to remove the consent provided at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the request for processing made prior to the withdrawal of consent.
You also have the right to file a claim with the control authority if you believe your rights may have been violated with regard to the protection of your data (
Via a registration form, we receive at least this essential information. You will provide these data on the form: email, name and surname(s).
If you contract the service/purchase the product via our website, we shall ask you to provide information about yourself, included your full name and contact data. If you purchase products, you shall have to heed the conditions specifically regulated in
Via this Privacy Policy, we notify you that the photography that are posted to the website are owned by PUNT ROMA, SL, including those of minors, for which the previous consent of their parents, guardians or legal representatives was first obtained via the signing of the forms created to this end by the centres at which the minors belong.
We here in notify you that PUNT ROMA, SL may have a presence on social media. The processing of the data done by those persons who become followers on social media (and/or make any link or connection action via social media) of the official websites and pages of PUNT ROMA, SL shall be governed by this section, as well as by those usage conditions, privacy policies and access regulations of the social media site to which they belong, as pertinent in each case and previously accepted by the user.
PUNT ROMA, SL shall process your data for the purposes of correctly administering your presence on the social media, notifying you of the provider’s activities, products and services, as well as any other purpose that the social media regulations permit.
The publication of contents is prohibited that:
- Are allegedly illegal by national, EU or international regulations, or that conduct allegedly illegal activities or that violate good faith principles.
- Violate people's fundamental rights, lack courtesy on the media, disturb or could generate negative opinions among our users or third parties and, in general, any contents that PUNT ROMA, SL considers inappropriate.
- And in general anything violating the principles of legality, honesty, responsibility, protection of human dignity, protection of minors, protection of public order, protection of private life, consumer protection and protection of intellectual and industrial property rights.
PUNT ROMA, SL also reserves the power to remove, without previous notice on the website or the corporate social media site those contents deemed inappropriate.
Communications sent via social media will be added to a file owned by PUNT ROMA, SL, and you may be sent information of interest to you.
You can access further information, as well as view the companies that are part of our group, on the present privacy policy.
In any case, if you submit personal information via the social media, PUNT ROMA, SL shall be waived of any responsibility with regard to the security measures applicable to the present platform. If the User wants to know them, he or she should consult the pertinent particular conditions for the media in question.
The data that you provide us shall be handled with confidentiality. The provider has adopted all technical and organisational measures and all levels of protection necessary to guarantee the security of processing data and preventing the alteration, loss, theft, processing or unauthorised access, in accordance with the state of technology and nature of the data stored. It also guarantee that the processing and recording in files, programs, systems or equipment, premises and centres, fulfils the requirements and conditions for integrity and security established in regulations in force.
The language applicable to this Privacy Policy is Spanish. Thus, if there is any contradiction in any of the versions provided in other languages, the version in Spanish shall take priority.
If the User sends his or her CV via our website, we herein notify you that the data provided shall be processed to make them part of the selection processes that may take place, conducting an analysis of the applicant's profile with the aim of selecting the best candidate for the vacancy of the party responsible for processing. We notify you that this is the only official procedure for accepting your curriculum, so that no CVs sent by any other procedure shall be accepted. If there are any changes to the data, please notify us in writing as soon as possible, in order to keep your data properly updated.
Data shall be kept for a maximum period of one year, after which they shall be deleted, where we guarantee you full respect of confidentiality, both in processing and in their later destruction. In this regard, after this period has ended, and if you want to continue to participate in the selection processes of the party responsible, please just send us your CV again.
PUNT ROMA, SL reserves the right to modify the present policy to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence.
For all purposes, the relations between PUNT ROMA, SL and the Users of its electronic services on this website are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction, to which the parties expressly submit, where the courts and tribunals of BARCELONA are competent for resolving all disputes stemming from or related to its use.